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영어표현공부[1] Take exception to~

by 하남이 2012. 10. 3.

영어표현공부[1]  Take exception to~

Take exception to~ (~에 이의를 제기하다. ~에 화를 내다.)

(예문) A friend recently attended dinner with several other friends at a new restaurant where the meal went from bad to weird. Upon being presented with a particularly strange food combination he joked that the dish was some sort of health potion that would improve sperm count. Another man at the table took exception to the comment (he and his wife had apparently been trying for a second baby for three years) and my friend apologized for the perceived insensitive remark to this man's personal issues.

sperm_count_recipe_ayurvedic by kamikaze gecko 저작자 표시비영리

take exception to something : ~에 이의를 제기하다. ~에 화를 내다.

(예문) I take great exception to your suggestion that I only did this for the money.
         (나는/강력하게 이의를 제기한다/당신의 의견에 대해/내가 돈 때문에 이 일을 했다는)

          I take great exception to the fact that she informed him before she told me.

          (그녀가 내게 정보를 제공하기 전에 그에게 먼저 말을 했다는 사실에 몹시 화가 난다.)


(추천글) 영어공부, 영어단어암기법, 영어단어외우기, 영어단어 확실하게 암기하는 영어공부요령 5가지

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