
creep-creek, 토익, 토플, 텝스영어 헷갈리는 영어단어(13) 공부하기

하남이 2011. 11. 7. 07:37

안녕하세요? 하남이의 영어사랑방입니다. 토익, 토플, 텝스시험에 나오는 헷갈리는 영어단어 100개를 공부하고 있습니다. 발음이 유사하거나 철자가 비슷하여 헷갈리기 쉬운단어들입니다. 오늘은 creep와 creek입니다.

creep (기다, 기어가다, 포복하다)

영영사전을 봅니다.

1. slow longitudinal movement or deformation  (longitudinal은 '세로방향의')
2. someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
3. a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot;

1. move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground
2. to go stealthily or furtively
3. grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover
   (예문 ) Ivy crept over the walls of the office buildings
4. show submission or fear

Mesh Crawl
Mesh Crawl by BombDog 저작자 표시비영리

영영사전에 보는 것처럼 creep는 움직이는데 아주 천천히, 땅에 붙어서, 비밀스러운 모양으로 움직이는 것입니다.

* pen : 1. an enclosure for confining livestock
           2. a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
           3. female swan
           4. a writing implement with a point from which ink flows

Homestead with enclosure for livestocks
Homestead with enclosure for livestocks by Yandi 저작자 표시

* submission : 
1. the condition of having submitted to control by someonw or something else;

2. the feeling of patient, submissive humbleness; meekness (공손한 태도)
3. the act of accepting that sb has defeated you and that you must obey them (굴복하다)

Jean-Etienne Liotard: The Chocolate Pot
Jean-Etienne Liotard: The Chocolate Pot by deflam 저작자 표시

creek (시내, 샛강)

영영사전을 보면 creek는 'a narrow area of water where the sea flows into the land'로 되어있습니다.

Grand Canyon at the Tapeats Creek & Colorado River confluence looking east
Grand Canyon at the Tapeats Creek Al_HikesAZ 저작자 표시비영리

  • up the creek       난처하여, 딱하게 되어, 곤경에 빠져; 《특히》 임신하여
  • 청계천                 the Cheonggye creek[stream]
  • 그는 궁지에 빠졌다He´s been placed in a fix. or He´s up the creek (without a paddle)